Facing a drunk driving charge can turn your world upside down. The fear of losing your driver's license might keep you up at night, wondering how you'll get to work, pick up your kids or simply maintain your independence. But here's the good news: you can always...
Drivers’ License Suspension or Revocation
A group photo of the firm's attorneys.
Drivers’ License Suspension or Revocation
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Drivers’ license reinstatement after a DUI
Whether someone is charged or convicted of DUI in Maryland, their driver’s license will be impacted. Having a driver’s license suspended or revoked will almost certainly hamper a person’s ability to get around. Fortunately, driver’s license suspensions or revocations...
¿Dispositivo de bloqueo de encendido? ¿Qué es eso, y cuándo se usa?
Todos saben que es ilegal manejar después de tomar demasiado alcohol. Pero hay aspectos de la ley que no todos saben – por ejemplo, ¿cuándo se necesita un dispositivo de bloqueo de encendido? ¿Las cortes los dan aun después de la primera condena? ¿Qué es un...